Becoming macho

Sergio Lara, Spain New Mister Gay 2009

Last Friday, July 3, Sergio Lara Acosta, Mister Gay Barcelona 2009, was elected at the end of the spectacular Gala event which took place on the stage of the Plaza de Vazquez de Mella in Madrid Orgullo (MADO).

Mister Gay España 2009  

  Mister Gay España 2009

The first finalist was Daniel Perez, Mister Gay Seville 2009 and runner-up Daniel de Lamo, 2009 Mister Gay Alicante.

Led by popular actor Deborah Ombres and Ricardo Jordan, the Final Gala Mister Gay Spain was full of surprises and did not disappoint the more than 15,000 people who attended the election of the new representative for the Spanish international beauty contests gay: Mister Gay Europe (Oslo, Norway, August 2009), Mister Gay World (Oslo, Norway, February 2010) and Mister Gay International Competition (San Francisco, USA, May 2010).

The jury comprised, among others, the actress Maria Esteve, designer Juanjo Oliva, film director Alfonso Albacete, journalist Rollén Luis Alfonso Llopart, director of the magazine Express Shagay or Herbs Bryan, president of ILGTA (international association of tourism LGTB) lost no detail of each of the Passes of the different candidates valuing not only the physical form and function, but how to answer the questions that some of the jurors raised.

The Final Gala will feature performances by: Martin Mazza, in collaboration with the actor Matthew Rush, the famous singer of Operación Triunfo, Guillermo Martín, and acting surprised that the singer Belén Arjona won success with his version of "I'm not different. "

During the Gala, Stuart Milk, nephew of the renowned American activist Harvey Milk,along


with the director of competition John Martin Boll, delivered on behalf of the organization of Mister Gay Spain a special mention to AEGAL-Madrid Orgullo (MADO) for their work in organization of the largest gay event in Europe.

Entre los invitados de excepción estaban la diseñadora Amaya Arzuaga y la actriz Natalia Verbeke que entregó el premio, junto a María Esteve y Alfonso Llopart, al nuevo Mister Gay España. Among the guests were exceptional designer Amaya Arzuaga and actress Natalia Verbeke that the prize, along with María Esteve Alfonso Llopart and the new Mister Gay Spain.

El sábado día 5 de julio todos los finalistas del certamen realizaron el recorrido de la Manifestación Estatal LGTB en la carroza de Madrid Orgullo, presidida por el ganador del certamen, Sergio Lara. On Saturday July 5 all the finalists of the contest made the trip to demonstrate to the State LGTB Pride Madrid coach, headed by the winner of the contest, Sergio Lara. El representante español viajará próximamente a Copenhague (Dinamarca) donde tendrá lugar la celebración de los World Out Games 2009 ya continuación representará a España en el certamen de belleza Mister Gay Europe. The Spanish representative will travel to Copenhagen (Denmark) where there will be the celebration of the World Out Games 2009 and then will represent Spain in the beauty contest of Mister Gay Europe.

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Mister Gay España 2009