Good body
Prosperous Prostate
    En Castellano

Many men are concerned about the health of their prostate. The prostate is a chestnut-shaped gland that sits right below the bladder and is wrapped around the urethra.

worryThe prostate is needed for ejaculation and the gland's basic job is to add special fluid to the sperm before it exits the penis during ejaculation.


There are some dietary tips you can follow to maintain your prostate health and decrease your risk of prostate cancer. Include in your diet regular portions of fresh vegetables and fruits, legumes (peas, beans and lentils) and fresh fish. Fish from cold ocean waters (such as salmon, sardines, mackerel and cod) have large amounts of essential fatty acids, which are good for prostate health. Eat whole grains in moderation, rather than refined (white) breads, pasta, crackers, rice and other grains.

Decrease your intake of fatty meats, hydrogenated oils found in margarine, donuts, cookies, cakes, potato chips and other deep-fried foods.

Are There Special Foods That Can Decrease the Risk of Cancer?

There has been some research with promising results on specific foods that decrease your risk of prostate cancer.


ProstateCruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower and foods that contain isoflavones (including soy milk and soy beans) may decrease the risk of prostate cancer.

There is mixed research on foods that are rich in lycopene (tomato-based foods) in reducing prostate cancer risk. Some research results show a decreased risk of prostate cancer in patients who supplemented their diets with vitamin E and selenium.

Some rich dietary sources of selenium include Brazil nuts, walnuts, tuna and turkey. Good sources of vitamin E include wheat germ oil, almonds, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts and peanuts.




Other sports notes:

Beautiful at 20' 30' and 40' Beautiful Black skinAerobics and MuscleProsperous ProstatePerfect pecs Sedentary life 'speeds up ageing'Inside the gymMuscles legs Get in shape
